Saturday, May 19, 2007

A disturbed tummy

wow time passes by so quickly... it's saturday once again. surprisingly, i'm in the premises of our home. wheew. haha. i watched let's go. and it was really hilarious. the thing with bob having girls with imperfections was such a killer!. the girl in today's episode likes to say harsh and hardcore bad words.. like.. nevermind . i was like laughing my heart out during the whole episode. after that show. it's my favorite tv teen show of all time (next to one tree hill) ABT UR LUV.! todays episode was still great.! it's hip, fun and so entertaining!. but lew did not die! buhuhu. awww =( it was pretty close. anyway.. i still hate mao. overall, i still love the episode. next season will surely be awaited. and im number on that list. CANT wait!

* i ate expired nachos!. while watching abt ur luv i was indulging with the o so palatable nachos and that cheese dip by fritos. at first i felt that the nachos were extra crunchy. after a couple of munches and bites, i decided to look at the box. and it was expired! WTF. i hate it. i was quite dizzy and my tummy was disturbed. haha. but later on the disturbance of my stomach eased away . *snap* like that!

i gotta go! till my next post! =))

*snap snap*


Ultima said...

Hi Marco! It's me again your customer hehe!

There was no doubt that your posts are really great ones!

Keep up the good work Marco!

Show to me that your the Best Blogger in the World! hehe!

that's all...bye!

Paola:) said...

hey marco! ur really a fan of abt ur luv =)) anyway keep it up! dont change take care keep smiling =)
till nxt comment? haha be happy

bye :)

gabriel said...

ohhh.... hi there mr. Marco, anyway ur blog is somehow cule(cool and cute) but it doesn't matter. Nice stories, keep ip the good work. u desreve a again a g2 + a2 meaning g2- good and great and a2- amusing and amazing........ohhhh.... and one more thing always leave a comment every time a have a new post

p said...

i've eaten expired nachos too. and expired peanut butter. wala lang.. sharing lang