Thursday, May 24, 2007

entertainment collides!.

the day for me was a lot entertaining! the day started when i went to school. and i was like one of the first people to arrive. and the 2 people who were there were sleepy and not my friends. we watched a chinese movie "curse of the golden flower". it was indeed a GREAT movie. i mean the whole package was there!. the story was like not predictable unlike other movies. then the movie ended! haha. then "someone" =) and i talked for a while. in CHINESE actually. so like people thought we were crazy haha!

then i just waited for my parents to arrive. so we can finally watch alexa's concert quote unquote haha. the concert was not swarmed by people.. though there were like a lot of people.. in the sense that we occupied all the seats. some of the performances were just OKAY and others were simply divine!. some of the songs were sundo, liwanag sa dilim, welcome to the black parade etc etc etc. well my sister did a great job. though she committed a mistake. haha .. i was never a rock or loud music fan.. so i did not like like the other performances. but it was good in a way though. congratulations guitarists and sir Pao! =)

tomorrow will be our last day. sad to say, i think its the last time we will get together as a class. buhuhu. still i cant wait for tomorrow i mean i know it will be a BLAST! hahaha.. =)

it was a day where all sorts of entertainment collided!!.. =)

bidding you all with a silent whisper of farewell. ;)

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