Monday, May 14, 2007

odd election day..

for me, the election day is not a day to be talked about. for the fact, that i cant vote! (duh!). and we do all know that the same trend happens every year. the dishonest counting of votes. .. if that trend will happen every year, why have elections?. anyway enough of that political fuss.. why hell im just a kid!.

the day started when i watched oprah. the episode was like soo odd. it's about people specifically women spicing up their marriage through the use of stripping lessons. isn't it weird? even the effervescent teri hatcher does that!. maybe it does work.. (i'll tell my mom later on) lol.. then afterwards i watched my o so favorite series "one tree hill"!. the episodes in star movies are the old ones. yet i still enjoy viewing it over and over again. brooke became broke and penniless. so she bit the trap of phylix. eeow.. that arrogant jerk. haha.. peyton had her job. lucas still has a thing with his father so does nathan. the episode was so funny. i mean brooke and phylix?? one tree hill rocks!.

my brother is soo moody today. i mean he fought with me for nothing. then hours passed he became a jolly jerk again. i mean jolly person. it's so queer. our helper told me he's having his menstrual cycle. lol hahaha..

for the registered voters, vote wisely!!! =))

over and out =))

*listening to van morisson's "have i told you lately" weird.. hahaha =P

1 comment:

Paola:) said...

hey there marco =)
kakaboring ba ung election day? anyway dont be bored there are so many stuffs to do :) anyhow just keep smiling and take care :)