Tuesday, May 29, 2007

back to business..

i know that i always update my blog in a daily basis.. but this week is different i didn't. why? coz i am always outside and doing some fun stuff to enjoy the rest of the summer. well sad to say it will soon end. ggrrr. classes will start on june 4! ggrrrr. it seems like yesterday when summer started. and now it's the end of SUMMER. New school new strangers to meet. quite sure that that the first day will be a blur. i really do hope that i will have good friends there. (fingers crossed).

well i've been fixing my multiply account during my free time. as of now, it still looks like a blank canvass. well i just started!. i hope i can still update you during the school year!.

*hannah our plan was definitely not successful =)

bidding you all a silent whisper of farewell.

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