Thursday, May 10, 2007

running late.

well the day started when i went to the mall to shop for clothes. then i ate lunch and hurried to go to ateneo. when i arrived, i was surprised to see all of my classmates seating in their respective seats and so as my lao shi , ms. co waiting for me. ( i think..) still mela was overdosed with packs and packs of shabu.. and so we started the class with the basic rules of spelling characters. in the midst of the lecture, my phone suddenly rang. i was hesitant at first to answer the call, but it kept ringing .. so i answered it!. It was Ed. (wheew) he said that he will be late. so i just continued listening to ms. co (so embarrassing!). we had exercises to sharpen our spelling and pronunciations of chinese ping yin and characters. ed and i were partners for tomorrows activity which is a dialogue. it is all about our xiao maos (CATS) *giggles*. as the class ended, the dialogue ended as well. we went to the field to play frisbee. ed was good and i was bad. then alexa and i went to the cafeteria to stay there. i ate a plate of carbonara ( o so creamy! ) . then bought a milo Popsicle. hours passed, we decided to go out again and waited for our parents to fetch us. we watched ed play frisbee, he was doing good. until.. his head was hit by the disc. aww thats gonna hurt. then we went home! =))

over and out!

*Alexa, Ed and Marco are JED Haters! =)) heehee..
*KEVIN.. no .. no.. i prefer PATRICK! you are a weirdo! hahaha

till my next post! =P

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