Sunday, May 6, 2007

A big punch!

since i'm quite angry and confused, i'm giving a lot of powerful punches today. don't worry i wont do the real thing. a lot like punches of sarcasm. okay lets start the big fight.

a big punch for floyd mayweather!. i'm not the so called boxing enthusiast but the battle captivated me. i was really assertive and confident that oscar de la hoya would win the fight. disappointingly, the black man won. mayweather was really arrogant during the whole match. i'm not like a racist or anything. really not!. i'm not like those two slovenian house mates that blurted out remarks that projected racism. though what they said was quite hilarious. oops.

a big punch for erik matti! i'm still a kapamilya though . the infamous tele-epikong ROUNIN is just so disappointing. at the beginning the story captivated my eyes. but as episodes pass, the story was like loosing it's "umphf!" , its edge and its interest. a lot of characters died in a snap! well im really trying to like it again. yet the umphf factor is gone.

*a public notice to all! the word or expression "umphf" belongs to MARCO ! do not copy!

a lot of big punches for dionne supporters ! stop supporting that .. that girl. she doesn't belong in the house . PERIOD! arrgh. hate seeing wendy go!

im really in the mood for hardcore punches. but later this night, im at ease. after watching my favorite tv shows. anyway tomorrow will be my first class in ateneo for my chinese mandarin lesson. im having pre-1st day jitters. i'll tell about my experience in my next post.

over and out!

*punch punch! Hayaaaa!. =))

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