Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Hanging out..

as usual i started my day by attending class. i learned a lot of stuff. we presented a dialogue! and we did a great job. ( according to our lao shi). we did several excercises and practices. everybody was doing good. except PAPAP. god hes sooo stupid!!.. he made ms co a little mad this day.! GOD! then classes ended.. suprisingly, a lot of claretians were in the halls of ateneo!.. its so weird!!. then ed and i went to the moro lorenzo field. then he introduced me to ariel. her nails was sooo cool!. it was blue. coolness.. and she was nice.. then i left to fetch my sister. we decided to go to the hotspot!.

we rode a tricycle.. coz nobody will fetch us. arghh. we asked the "manong" how much will be the fare going to the hotspot. then he said "diseotso". and both of us were puzzled. WE DIDN"T KNOW THE MEANING OF DISEOTSO. so we asked him what does diseotso mean!> (so embarrassing .. right?). then he responded. "18". the next thing you know we are already in the hotspot.

while we were eating, a girl whom i thought was lauren young passed through!. then she came back.. it was marjorie barreto's daughter.. i always see the two of them in greenhills. so its not new to me.. then another group of stupid jocks came. they sat behind us. and they were talking about having se* in the beach.. eeeoww!. its so weird!!. they were talking about stupid stuff. then i saw a lesbian couple!. it was so icky and disgusting. haha.. so weird.. there were a lot of people hanging out in the hotspot. then after that, alexa and i decided to play tic tac toe and hangman.. after a couple of minutes, our fetcher already arrived. so we went home.. and here i am..

the day was over all weird! =))

till my next post..


Ultima said...

O Marco! Customer mo na ku ha! Bawat post mo maglalagay ako ng comment...
Ang dami yatang "weird" sa post mo ngayon..ang weird! hahaha..pero I love your posts! I'm knowing you better than before...

sa susunod nalang ulit! gudnyt!

Marcoholic said...

thanks for visiting my blog always edwin. =)) haha..