Monday, May 7, 2007

a fun-filled day!

today is the day of my 1st class in ateneo for chinese mandarin lessons. with much surprise , the day was not a blur! it was a fun day!. the day started out when i went to a room to get my i.d. there were lots of people inside. we were like sardines inside the room. bottom line , i got my i.d. yey! then i went immediately to my room which is 4 B.

Ms Valerie Co is our teacher in the said program. she is a whole blooded chinese who went to beijing to study the language. she's very perky and bubbly!. ohh did i mention that shes cute? oops haha. you could almost tell that she is the lost twin of sam oh. (to all people who doesn't know sam oh... she is the host of the etc show rated oh! ) i learned some words in chinese which was fun. we were only 8 in the class. they are hannah which is the dark girl who can speak chinese well, havey the weirdo, rafael or popup another weirdo, mela a girl who like took meth before the class and i forgot the others! ( ed and jerome is exempted of course!) then dismissal it is!

Ed and i fetched alexa in her class and went immediately to the moro lorenzo field i think. so we can watch ed play ultimate. it's like watching a clown in the circus at first but as time go by he was doing good. did i mention that he is bald? not that bald actually. anyway, ed's brother marc arrived. and surprisingly he was nice to me and to my sister. he has a good soul i guess. my 1st impression of him was incorrect i guess, i thought he was kinda mean. oh well..

tomorrow will surely be a day filled with fun! cant wait to learn more chinese stuff! till my next post!

over and out =))

1 comment:

Conrad said...

good to hear you're having fun. <33