Monday, May 21, 2007

in the midst of a storm of silence and eeriness

same routine. i went to school and learned a lot. we presented the dialogue and as expected ms. co laughed. wheeew. it was like a success?. before classes started, papap and mela were cuddling each other which is like disgusting . same same i did a great job in class. after class hell began to start.

i mean i waited for a couple of minutes to wait for my sister. then i decided to go to the cafeteria. (ALONE). i was like a coo coo crazy person sitting alone by myself. i was like being isolated from the real world. then my sister came with her own group , kada, clique .. and she abandoned me!. i mean she left me alone in the mist of boredom and turmoil. i was like a challenged soul. i was undergoing solitary confinement for a couple of hours. i was a loner who is in an empty world. i like had my own world for a while. i was repetitively doing stupid things. its not a typical day for me to be a loner. coz i always experience the so called not-alone time. but this day was different. a lot different. i never want to be a challenged soul in the midst of a storm of silence and eeriness.

bidding you all with a silent whisper of farewell..


Ultima said...

WOW! Nice Post!

So many vivid words...hehe
You're so fluent...

that's all..baboosh!

Conrad said...

Hmmm. A loner? That can't be Marco! I mean, you are, one of the most popular student in our batch because of your SBC experiences, academic performances and the claretian magazine. You also have many friends.

Anyway, as I have seen above. Does Edwin know what vivid means? Haha. I now know why he wanted me to speak english in our ym conversations so he could learn some words from me and post it anywhere he wants.

another marvelous post. but don't worry. you're not a loner!

*leaves cookies*
- Czian

kiddo said...

Everybody, just stop comforting Marco!

This might sound like cliche, but it's true - you're never alone. You have yourself, sheesh!

This is not about me, it's about you, but I also had experience a little similar to yours. I'm always surrounded by wild noisy people, at home and at school. I'm used to it. But every now and then, I tend to seperate from the pact, to stop everything. Although it may not seem like me, but I like being alone sometimes.

Being alone is also coined by us (not me) Filipinos, muni-muni. I don't know where the hell that came from but it means thinking, pausing. Being alone is connecting with yourself. And a daily or weekly dose of "meditating" is healthy.

You're such a diva. No offense, but stop thinking that you're the center of all humanity, na dapat palagi kang may kasamang peers. Get used to it. Try feeling like a nobody every once in a while - becase all of us are nobodies.

Challenged soul? Puh-lease, you sound like a hopeless beggar, which you're certainly not. You're problem is too petty, and you always have those issues with yourself. I know your mind, we're twins.

You need this Marco. You need time to think and clear everything up. Clear your mind. Stop all things. Escape.


Wow, I like turned into an advice columnist there. Edwin's really funny.

Marcoholic said...

im not a loner. i just maybe uhhm exaggerated things. maybe it was a dramatic day for i blurted out words that are deep and quite too over the top. tnx for all the advices =)) still im not a loner.

I-J JeDI said...

Join the club...

Ehem, I think now you know how the midget feels when our paths divided...if you know what I mean?

*winks mischievously and points out at the midget.

Anyways, his fate is inevitable!! Haha!

Anyhow, I can teach you the ancient wisdom of being the hat stand of the party of you want. It's not really that bad. Just use your time alone by reflecting on the day's job.

Ehem,anyways...done with the Midget!!!

I-J JeDI said...

Ehem, did I say done with the midget? I with the midget!!!!