Monday, June 11, 2007

im back!

well its been a while since i posted something, i guess now is the perfect time to doodle my thoughts. as you do all know classes started a week ago. during my first days in the ateneo, i was like adapting and adjusting. it was a bit hard to start all over again. the claretian way compared to the atenean way is totally different in many aspects . (e.g rules and sanctions etc).

well a week passed of schooling. and im happy to say that i kinda adjusted. i have new friends in class which was like fast and all. why the heck its the first week!. anyway, i still didn't have the chance to get to know each and everyone of the I students. time will come i would. all of my classmates differ and have their own persona. which makes class fun! with all subjects except AP and English, we all laugh our hearts out and have fun. maybe the "jolly persons" are afraid of mr. shih and ms. paliza. so far so good!.

ill try to post if i have the time. tons of homeworks! arggh!. GODSPEED!

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